Automatically remove cover liner from adhesive strips

The production of ceiling heating and cooling elements requires very special know-how.

In particular, the heating or cooling elements that are glued into the elements – in this case – require knowledge of the safety of reliable processing.
They are supposed to last a lifetime under the ceiling.
The process is largely automatic; pulling the cover liners off the strips before gluing them to the elements was done manually; the process seemed too complex.
REFOIL has automated this process.

Patented System

Since the laths can be of different lengths, several can lie next to each other, the distance between them is different, the removal process must be able to be adapted in an extremely variable way.


Pulling off the liners by hand is one thing; automating this process, reproducing it with grippers, is another.


Many successive, coordinated processes make it possible to pull the liners off the lasts.

Sie haben Fragen?

Zum Unternehmen Refoil oder zur automatisierten Folienbearbeitung?